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Oak Ridge Intermediate

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Safety Drills

At Camdenton, we work diligently to keep our students and faculty safe. The safety and
well-being of our students is our highest priority and we believe that by conducting
regular drills, we can be prepared for any potential emergency situations. Below is a list
of the drills we will conduct this year with a brief description.

Fire Drill - A fire drill teaches staff and students how to exit in case of a fire
Tornado Drill - A tornado drill teaches staff and students where to go during an active

Earthquake Drill - An earthquake drill teaches staff and students how to take cover
during an active earthquake

Intruder Drill - An intruder drill trains staff and students to stay behind a locked door,
shut the lights off, remain seated, remain quiet, and out of sight in the case of a threat
inside the school.

Hold in Place - A hold drill teaches staff and students to remain where they are and
continue business as usual. A ‘hold in place’ would be called to clear the hallways for a
medical emergency, physical altercation, potential threat, etc.
It is important to practice these safety drills in case any emergency situations arise
throughout the school year. We understand drills can cause some anxiety for our students
and we will work to handle these situations with professionalism. We hope, through our
communication, that we will be able to provide a safe learning environment for our
students and for our staff.